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Listener Mailbag: May 20, 2012

Posted by Eric on May 20, 2012 at 01:00 PM CST

This week in the mailbag: some Star Wars nostalgia, a heartfelt listener email, Star Wars meets the circus, and more.


Unpleasant Star Wars Fan Encounter

Hey Jason and Jimmy! Star Wars fan and ForceCast listener Zack Burkett here from College Park, Maryland. I recently had an encounter with a fellow fan whose views I found to be very narrow-minded. I was in a study group and at the slightest mention of Star Wars, this guy (whom I had never seen before in my life) perked up and instantly commenced a tirade. As I am not the confrontational type, I merely sat there and let him step up on his soapbox as he prattled ignorantly about how there are two types of fans: those who like the Original Trilogy and those who like the Prequel Trilogy. He even threw in for good measure a remark about how, "Some people even like this show called The Clone Wars, which is a cartoon for kids." I wish I'd had the nerve to give this guy a piece of my mind and tell him that I found his lack of faith disturbing. His officious tone of arrogance made it clear that he considered himself an authority on these issues, but he had no idea that he was talking to a devoted lifelong fan (not to mention collector) of Star Wars. I would like to get off my chest what I wish I could have expressed to this guy:

Please. Don't try and explain Star Wars to me. And don't tell me that there are two types of fans. Those who like the Original and those who like the Prequel Trilogy? Like it has to be a choice. What about those who appreciate the overall story Lucas was trying to tell and value Star Wars as one whole saga? If I don't fit into one of your narrow categories, then what kind of fan does that make me? Obviously not an ignorant one like you. If this is the way you think Star Wars fans have to be, then I don't want to be one. I'll just enjoy my movies on my own. But don't lecture me about Star Wars. I'll have you know that only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Thanks, love the show and keep up the good work!



Star Wars Nostalgia: From 3POs to Candy Heads

Hey Hey Jason,

You guys hit a couple of nostalgic moments for me on your show last week. You, Jimmy, and Chris were talking (fantasizing) about hitting a stash of toys back in the mid '80s. Ever since that fateful day back in '89 when I wandered in a mom and pop toy store and found some Return Of The Jedi Presto Magix and other Topps Star Wars candy heads, I've always dreamed (fantasized) about lightning striking twice. I always hit those small toy stores looking in the corners and high up on shelves for over-looked items.

Years after C-3PO's were discontinued I found a box sitting on top of a stack of Lucky Charms. I asked the manager for help getting it down and he said he couldn't sell that since it was so old. I told him I didn't have any plans on eating it. (20 years after I opened it, the cereal had literally vanished. The bag was empty. I guess it became one with the Force.)

Another nostalgic moment came when you mentioned the department store, Zayre. I grew up going to this store and didn't know they extended beyond the east coast. That's a name I have not heard in a long time. A long time...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Happy AOTC Day,

Richard Woloski
Long Beach, CA


A Michigan Sci-Fi Convention Organizer and National Guardsman Writes In

Jason and Jimmy,

I started to tune in after learning about the podcast during the last Star Wars Celebration. I was tuning into the updates on satellite radio which I just want to say was fantastic. I watched the videos posted as well, once I located them on the internet. When I found out about the ForceCast, I was hooked. I purchased a 25-foot headphone cable so I can listen in while doing the dishes. I have four daughters which does have a tendency to create a lot of dirty dishes. I have also tuned in while mowing the lawn and doing other various odd jobs around the house.

I am also a National Guardsman who drives about 4 1/2 hours each way to drill every month. I find that time is well spent catching up with the podcasts in the archive. My favorite way to listen is out in my workshop while building Star Wars props and models. Between my normal job and my National Guard duties, not to mention my family, it is rare for me to leave town and go to a convention. I did make it to the two celebrations in Indiana and to the Smithsonian exhibit, all of which were fantastic. I am also hoping to catch the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit when it hits Indiana in May 2013.

I live in Northern Michigan and I am a huge Star Wars fan. I started a local convention up here called Thunder-Con which is named after Thunder Bay on which the city of Alpena sits. Since the area is small -- approximately 29,598 in the county on the last census -- I made the con for all. It is a Comic/Fantasy/Anime/Sci-Fi event. The event is free and only happens with the support of the local mall and the shops who are in the mall. Last year we had over 300 attendees which is more than I had planned on having. We are hoping to go bigger and better this year.

This all started 3 years with me boxing up my entire Star Wars collection and taking it into the mall for a Star Wars museum and it grew from there. We host other events during the show to include video game tournaments and demonstrations, local authors and artists, we are open to pretty much anything or anyone who is willing to participate within reason. It is a family event though and there once was a guy who wanted to bring in an 8 ft sharpened sword. I told him to leave it at home or make a prop that wasn't really for the costume contest. Either way we have a website and a Facebook page which tells more about the event.

Enclosed is my website link so if you are interested you could learn a bit more about me. I wanted to say keep up the great work, I look forward to each and every show you guys do. Thank you for everything you do...


No fan gets left behind,

Mike Jasman


Thank you

Hello Jimmy and Jason!

I just wanted to drop an email and say thank you for providing such great entertainment and escapism. You have unknowingly helped me out a lot.

I suffer from depression and I often feel compressed due to some foolish life choices. I often wonder, what would Kitster do (WWKD)?

But when stuff gets really rough I always find solace in your show. Thank you so much. The galaxy appreciates you.


P.S.: You guys always talk about seeing certain characters on The Clone Wars. What I would like is for you guys to have a small role in an episode. Surely the SW universe has a popular radio show?


Star Wars Meets the Circus

Even at a recent photography trip to a circus, Star Wars made an appearance with a comedy sketch entitled Attack of the Clowns (Ep II). They used members of the audience and this time I was hoping they might pick me - but alas not.

Siddique Hussain


Thanks to all of this week's mailbag contributors! Keep your emails coming to forcecast@forcecast.net.

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