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Listener Mailbag: April 23, 2012

Posted by Eric on April 23, 2012 at 12:00 PM CST

This week's mailbag includes street art from a galaxy far, far away, reflections on the legacy of Mortis, a Celebration VI fan activity announcement, and more.



Here are some pictures of some Star Wars graffiti I see on my way to work. Just thought I would share.

May The Force Be With You,

Matt Blankenheim
Dallas, GA


Thoughts on Mortis

To Jimmy Mac and Jason,

Last year, at the Comic Con panel with Dave Filoni, Dave said that the Mortis themes would be explored more. One thing that I caught this season relates to your Season 4 wrap-up show. You were talking about the Rule of Two and the rise of more Sith in the galaxy, and I thought of something interesting.

In Season 3, during the episode "Altar of Mortis," the Father says: "As my Son has descended into the Dark Side, so have the Sith gained strength..." I know it's a bit of a long shot since the Son was killed, but if you think about it, the Sith have gained strength. Palpatine's plans are getting stronger, and on another obvious note, Darth Maul is back with Savage at his side.

Anyway, that's what I think.

Take care and May the Force be With You!

Abraham Chen


School Resembles Millennium Falcon

Hi Jimmy and Jason,

Just in case you haven't seen this yet:


All I can say is, their mascots better be the "Falcons."

Your pal,



Fan-Organized Church Service at C6

Hey guys,

I know that we are just now starting to get all of the details from Celebration 6 out there, but there is a neat opportunity I've been presented with that I am hoping you will help me promote. On the Sunday morning of Celebration, some friends of Geek Out Loud and myself will be hosting a Sunday morning worship service for those who are so inclined to attend. The service will be at The Rosen Plaza and start at 8:30 that morning and run until 9:30. That way, we will be done before the doors open at the convention center so people can leave and head straight there and be ready to go on in.

It is open to everyone and completely free to attend. There will be some coffee and pastries provided too.

Anywho, if you guys would be willing to start mentioning this in your Celebration coverage I would greatly appreciate it.

Can't wait to see you there,

Steve Glosson


Our Friend Sheldon Checks In

Look what showed up in the mail in my absence!

Sheldon Norton


Sheldon Previews His "Man Cave"

COMING SOON - How to Make a designer Star Wars Man Cave in an unfinished basement for under $300!

Sheldon Norton


A Trooper Trek Update

Hey Jimmy Mac,

Trooper Trek and 501st Legion Trooper, Jacob French finished his trek across Australia yesterday and here are links to some videos you may not have seen yet.



Also, while he was in Melbourne a few weeks back and staying at my house, the documentary crew came out to interview me about him. As it was to be on camera, I of course wore my ForceCast t-shirt.

Cheers mate and may the Force be with you.

Troy Henderson
Victoria, Australia


Star Wars Pub Crawl

We are hosting the first annual Star Wars pub crawl on May 4th in Fresno, CA. We could not think of a better way to celebrate the day that shows appreciation for the thing we all love and grew up with in our hearts. We are trying to get the word out there as much as possible and would love it if we could get a shout out on the show. Sorry there will be no Kitster due to the age limit on the event, LOL.

It is going to be in Fresno's Tower District on May 4th, starting at 7:30pm. Dressing up in costume is preferred but not mandatory. We can be contacted on Facebook (search for "Fresno Zombie Society") for more details.

This is going to be an amazing time with lots of fans having the time of their lives. Hope to see you all out there.

The force will be with you, always.

Manoah Crane


Thanks to all of this week's mailbag contributors! Keep your emails coming to forcecast@forcecast.net.

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