Sabacc Table #8: But Wait, There's More!
Posted by Erik on October 15, 2013 at 08:12 PM CST

In this jam-packed episode, we go over
Star Wars Pinball, the new Angry Birds release, X-Wing Wave 3, recent RPG releases, the upcoming
Imperial Aces expansion, the upcoming LCG Force Pack and deluxe expansion, and much, much more!
Show Notes:- What We've Been Up To
- Erik picked up a Plano 732 tackle box for his X-Wing miniatures, and it's awesome.
- News
- Around the Web...
- New Announcements
- New Releases
- Rovio has released Angry Birds: Star Wars II
- Beyond the Rim is now available
- So is the Age of Rebellion beta
- The X-Wing Wave 3 ships are finally here!
- Listener Feedback
- FFG customer service
- Fantasy Flight's LCG vs. Decipher's CCG
- Chances of seeing a Star Wars Rebels MMO?
- Sending mixed signals: buy from local game stores or from Amazon?
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The Official ForceCast Wiki. This episode's wiki entry can be found
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