Weekly ForceCast: August 3, 2012
Posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on August 3, 2012 at 08:03 PM CST

The ForceCast Revealed! This week, we give you the deets about some cool things the ForceCast has planned for
Star Wars Celebration VI and Steve Sansweet joins us to chat about the amazing Rancho Obi-Wan exhibition to be on display at the show. Plus, info about the Tattoo Pavilion from the author of
Force in the Flesh, Rebelscum's own Shane Turgeon. And, we're joined by the director of the popular comedy play
Star Wars in 30 Minutes Patrick Gorman, Billy Dee goes to Gotham City, we give away some ForceCast Trading Cards, and much more!
Attention ForceCast App Users:Touch EXTRAS for this show to hear the complete
Why We Love the Prequels panel from
Star Wars Celebration V.
Show Notes:You can see more information about this episode on
its wiki page. We invite you to expand and improve the wiki with your own contributions.
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