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Listener Mailbag: September 25, 2012

Posted by Eric on September 25, 2012 at 12:00 PM CST



The ForceCast Lands Someone A Job (Sort Of)

Hey Jason and Jimmy,

I�m a Star Wars fan with the best of us, and during my paid internship (they DO exist, haha), thanks to the nature of the work (copy writer), I can safely listen with headphones on the job without fear of any fatal errors. That said, lately I�ve taken advantage of my eight-hour workdays to catch up on some good ol� ForceCast goodness.

I�m pretty much fresh out of college (it's been almost a year) and just before sitting down to listen to the June 15, 2012 ForceCast this fine day, I was offered full-time employment at this particular company. Benefits, increased pay, the whole shebang -- my first real job, which will hopefully last for years to come -- and that rush was accompanied by the ForceCast in a way.

I can admit that lately I�ve been feeling a bit down for various reasons (descending from the Celebration VI high being one of them), and listening to the ForceCast while pumping out copy all day has really lifted my spirits. I feel like you guys were right there with me when I got my awesome news today. So, you know, I�d just like to say thanks for doing what you do, as well as the way you do it -- with passion, humor, and knowledge. If I could box up the ForceCast, you guys would make the Star Wars shelf at lightspeed, nestled right between Return of the Jedi and Fanboys (with the Roundtables resting right in between The Clone Wars box sets).

So thanks again, and may the Force be with you. See you both at Celebration 7!

-Michael Fletcher










Thanks to all of this week's mailbag contributors! Keep your emails coming to forcecast@forcecast.net.

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