ForceCast #279: Hipster Waru
Posted by Eric on November 15, 2013 at 09:00 AM CST

Erik Blythe is out this week, but Christian Blauvelt from the BBC and Teresa Delgado from the new podcast
Fangirls Going Rogue join Eric Geller to discuss
Star Wars Episode VII's open audition process and the December release date that Lucasfilm announced last Thursday. Then, we step back from the day-to-day buzz around the first sequel film and discuss all the ways, big and small, that Disney could mine the
Star Wars franchise for new material. From spinoff films to new EU publishing strategies to Disney merchandising tie-ins, we explore the opportunities that the galaxy far, far away presents to the House of Mouse.
Show Notes:The HoloNetDiscussion- With all the recent excitement about Star Wars Episode VII, we thought it would be fun to take a step back and look at the big picture of Disney and Star Wars. How should the House of Mouse mine the franchise for the best material, from spinoff movies to TV shows and from the Expanded Universe to crossovers with other Disney properties.
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