Weekly ForceCast: June 1, 2012
Posted by Jason on June 1, 2012 at 12:04 AM CST

This week we go in the Cantina with legendary
Star Wars movie poster artist Drew Struzan and the director of a new documentary about his work,
Drew: The Man Behind the Poster, Erik Sharkey. Rick McCallum discusses the future of the
Star Wars franchise while George announces his retirement, Uncle Moralo returns, we learn about an exciting new
Clone Wars motion comic from artist Joe Hogan and give away more ForceCast trading cards and copies of the new
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare from Del Rey.
Attention ForceCast App Users:Touch "Extras" for a
Star Wars radio play recorded live from Emerald City Comic Con with legendary voice actors Billy West, Tara Strong, Maurice LaMarche, John DiMaggio, Kevin Conroy, Jess Harnell, and Rob Paulsen.
Show Notes:You can see more information about this episode on
its wiki page. We invite you to expand and improve the wiki with your own contributions.
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