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Relive Years Of ForceCast Memories With A New Song

Posted by Eric on October 29, 2010 at 10:30 AM CST

Veteran ForceCast listeners and newcomers alike can enjoy a trip down memory lane with a new song from two faithful fans of the show. Stuart "Shazbazzar" Tullis and Spaghetti Cake's Glen Nelson collaborated on a new track with a familiar tune that will have you singing along in no time. "We Didn't Start The ForceCast" chronicles over four years of good times on the show, with everything from the early days of Jason and Pete to Celebration V this past August.

We featured the song on this week's show, so download the episode and enjoy! If you want to follow along, here are the lyrics:


Peter Nadel, Jason Swank: Partners in a think tank,
Responding to an ad to make some Star Wars Radio.
Made a demo, sent it in, call back from Dustin;
Two good buddies talking Star Wars out in Ohio.

TheForce.Net, Rebelscum, Official Pix, then some,
Speeder Bike flies past to introduce this podcast.
Headlines, Fanboys, Birthdays, cool toys,
iTunes, RSS, “It’s Friday--it’s the ForceCast!”

We didn't start the ForceCast
But it’s a fascination
Here at Celebration
We didn't start the ForceCast
But we’re tuning in
to listen to our friends...

Cantinas, Galaxies, Expanded Universities,
Pledges of Allegiance and some listener e-mails.
Star Wars therapy, a nickel for “Mad Motti”,
Contests on the forums and some time for Star Wars tales.

We didn't start the ForceCast
But it’s a fascination
Here at Celebration
We didn't start the ForceCast
But we’re tuning in
to listen to our friends...

Unthinkable, Outrageous, the EU gets contagious,
Dark Horse, Del Ray, the Professor Jovial Jay.
Amy Allen, pictures signed, “No Fan Gets Left Behind!”
The Force Unleashed delay, C4 comes to L.A.!

Interviews with Jimmy Mac, Jedi Church, BinBag
Jawas, FCTV, Weinstein? “Absolutely”,
Kitster, grizzled Lars, GL crashes race cars,
Ed Dolista with Indy, Pop Culture, Billy Dee.

We didn't start the ForceCast
But it’s a fascination
Here at Celebration
We didn't start the ForceCast
But we’re tuning in
to listen to our friends...

Toy Fair, SDCC, weekends spent at Disney,
Gentle Giant, Sideshow, Acme, Lego, Hasbro.
Ewan says, “That’s good news.” Put away your TalkShoes.
At Makuhari Messe Jimmy screams, “Where’s Curto?”

We didn't start the ForceCast
But it’s a fascination
Here at Celebration
We didn't start the ForceCast
But we’re tuning in
to listen to our friends...

Mandalore Travissty, April Fools' across the sea,
Dave the Pony, iPhone app, “B.J. Hughes...whosa that?”
“Didn’t get to make the sound,” Clone Wars tables all are round,
“Most Powerful Station” leads to an Investigation.
ForceCast Fans expand-o, now we’re in Orlando,
Flying in on vacation to this Star Wars Celebration!

We didn't start the ForceCast
But it’s a fascination
Here at Celebration
We didn't start the ForceCast
But we’re tuning in
to listen to our friends...

We didn't start the ForceCast
But it’s a fascination
Here at Celebration
We didn't start the ForceCast
But we’re tuning in
Again, again, and again...


Big thanks to Stuart and Glen for a catchy tune that will appeal to any ForceCast fan!

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